Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Greenpoint Food Market

This past Saturday, Sabra and I sold Indian tacos at the Greenpoint Food Market under our new name - Masala Loca. It was my first time selling at a market and it was really exciting. We made 200 tacos and sold out!

The market happens every month with about 50 vendors selling all sorts of foods - baked goods, empanadas, spreads, homemade soda, kimchi, etc. This is what it looked like:

We made two tacos in corn tortillas:

shahi paneer
crema made from yogurt and sour cream

black bean masala curry
mint chutney
cotija cheese

Sabra made this cutest Masala Loca sign:

I was really happy to see people enjoying our tacos. It was a lot of work to get everything cooked and set up, but we had so much fun. We will definitely be at the next one in June. Look for us!

Thanks Sheng for taking photos!


  1. this fusion of Mexican and Indian food sounds like my idea of heaven!


  2. Fantastic! I'm so proud of you ladies:-)

  3. hi, i am a friend of kavitha and alana's, we met years ago. did you see your tacos got a mention in the new york times?


  4. Hi Amy! I remember you. We jazzercized one summer in Michigan:) Thanks for sending. I added a post on it here. Hope you are well.
